The “Two Steps Beyond” blanket – FREE PATTERN INSIDE

I started this blanket straight after I finished the first  “One Step Beyond” blanket . I chose different colours but i stuck with the Scheepjes Cahlista because I Think it is by far the best choice for this blanket. The goal was to create a colour combination that looks like vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce.



I chose the colours 162/black coffee and 100/ lemon chiffon which in my opinion make a perfect match.

I have to admit that after the half of the work I got tired of the pattern and laid it aside for a few month. I picked it up now and then, crocheted a few lines but I did not have full focus on this project as other ideas come to my mind and become more interesting and important.

When I finally decided to finish it I thought that it would be a good idea to add a little twist and change the direction of the zig-zag lines in the middle of the blanket.  I am really satisfied with the looks of this blanket and hope that you enjoy it.

So here is the pattern.

If you want to support my work you can buy the pattern as a printable PDF on Ravelry.


If you feel that you can not afford it, you can find the free version in US /European terms below.


Hook 5.0 mm

Scheepjes Cahlista 100% natural cotton, 50 gram / 85 meters

8 balls 162 / black coffee yarn A

7 balls 100 / Lemon chiffon yarn B


Wool needle


Width: 70cm / 27,56in

Length: 100cm / 39.37in

Abbreviations (U.S. / European crochet terms)

ch(s)  chain or chain stitches

ch-2 sp chain 2 space(s): number denotes number of chains in chain space

sc single crochet

rep repeat *…*

Special Abbreviations

mosaicdc:  double crochet in skipped stitch two rows below, in front of 2 ch2 spaces (front of work). Mosaicdc goes always in same colour row below.

Pattern notes


  • First sc is always worked in same stitch as ch1.
  • Colour change always in last sc with two loops on hook.
  • Every chart row represents two crochet rows in the same colour. The first row “creates” the pattern.
  • Each square in the chart represents one stitch. If a yarn B stitch appears in a yarn A row you chain 2 and skip the stitch. Same thing when a yarn A stitch appears in a yarn B row.
  • The charts are crocheted from bottom to top and from right to left.
  • You crochet a mosaicdc if the square in the row below is an alternate colour square. It is always worked two rows below in front of work. This technique gives you the opportunity to create an alternate colour stitch in the row below.
  • The second row of every chart row is sc in every sc or mosaicdc and ch2, skip1 stitch over every ch2, skip1 stitch. The first row of every chart row “creates” the pattern and the second row “manifests” it.
  • Chain2 always counts as one stitch.
  • Chain1 in the beginning of row does not count as stitch.
  • The mosaic scheme in the chart is a multiple of 16 stitches plus 5.
  • The pattern is adjustable with a multiple of 16 plus 5 in width. (plus 1 in the starting chain)
  • Chart row 1 and 2 are the starting rows
  • To create the zig zag lines you repeat chart row 3 to row 6. So if you want your blanket shorter or longer you can reduce or add a multiple of this four chart rows.
  • To create the “diamonds” you crochet chart row 11 (same as 3), chart row 12 (same as 4), and chart row 13 to 19. After that you go on with chart row 20 (same as 4), chart row 21 (same as 5) and chart row 22 (same as 6). Then you go on with the zig zag lines (repeating chart row 3 to chart row 6).
  • Chart row 31 is the finishing row of the pattern.
  • The first two and last two stitches in the mosaic patterns are starting/ending stitches. They do not affect the graphical mosaic pattern.
  • The third-to-last stitch in the chart creates symmetry.


Start with yarn A

Chain 102

Row 1 1sc in second ch, 100sc, ch1, turn. (101 sc)

Row 2 101sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (101 sc)

First row in chart (with yarn B)

Row 3 101sc, ch1, turn. (101 sc)

Row 4 101sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (101 sc)

Second row in chart (with yarn A)

Row 5 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, *3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch*, rep * to * 23 times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (76 sc, 25 ch-2 sp)

Row 6 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, *3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch*, rep * to * 23 times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (76 sc, 25 ch-2 sp)



Third row in chart (with yarn B):

Row 7 2sc, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, 2sc*, rep * to * 5 times, ch1, turn. (52 sc, 25 mosaicdc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Row 8 *5sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch* rep * to * 5 times, 5sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (77 sc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Fourth row in chart (with yarn A):

Row 9 4sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 1sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc* rep * to * 5 times, 1sc, ch1, turn. (53 sc, 24mosaicdc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Row 10 4sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc* rep * to * 23 times, 1sc, chain to yarn B, ch1, turn. (77 sc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Fifth row in chart (with yarn B)

Row 11 3sc,*ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 3sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc* rep * to * 5 times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (53 sc, 24 mosaicdc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Row 12 3sc,*ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 5sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc* rep * to * 5 times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (77 sc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Sixth row in chart (with yarn A):

Row 13 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, *1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch* rep * to * 5 times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (52 sc, 24 mosaicdc, 25 ch-2 sp)

Row 14 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, *3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch* rep 23 times, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (76 sc, 25 ch-2 sp)

(Repeat chart row 3 to 6 8 times)

Row 15 to row 78 rep row 7 to row 14 8 times.


Eleventh row in chart (with yarn B) (same as chart row 3)

Row 79 rep row 7

Row 80 rep row 8

Twelfth row in chart (with yarn A) (same as chart row 4)

Row 81 rep row 9

Row 82 rep row 10

Thirteenth row in chart (with yarn B)

Row 83 1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch,1sc*ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 3sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc* rep * to * 5 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch1, turn. (51 sc, 24 mosaicdc, 26 ch-2 sp)

Row 84 1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 5sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc* rep * to * 5 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (75 sc, 26 ch-2 sp)



Fourteenth row in chart (with yarn A)

Row 85 1sc, 1mosaicdc, 1sc, *1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 1sc* rep * to * 5 times, 1mosaicdc, 1sc, ch1, turn. (51sc, 26 mosaicdc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Row 86 4sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc* rep * to * 23 times, 1sc, change to yarn B, ch1 turn. (77 sc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Fifteenth row in chart in chart (with yarn B)

Row 87 4sc, *1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 3sc* rep * to * 5 times, 1sc, ch1, turn. (53 sc, 24mosaicdc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Row 88 5sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 5sc* rep * to * 5times, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (77 sc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Sixteenth row in chart (with yarn A)

Row 89 2sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 2sc* rep * to * 5 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, ch1, turn. (52 sc, 24 mosaicdc, 25 ch-2 sp)

Row 90 2sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc* rep * to * 23 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (76 sc, 25 ch-2 sp)

Seventeenth row in chart (with yarn B)

Row 91 2sc, *1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch* rep * to * 5 times, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch1, turn. (52 sc, 25 mosaicdc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Row 92 3sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 5sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc* rep * to * 5 times, 2sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (77 sc, 24 ch-2 sp)


Eighteenth row in chart (with yarn A)

Row 93 3sc, *1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 1sc* rep * to * 5 times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (53 sc, 24 mosaicdc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Row 94 4sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc* rep * to * 22 times, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 4sc, change to yarn B, ch1, turn. (77 sc, 24 ch2 spaces)


Nineteenth row in chart (with yarn B)

Row 95 4sc, *1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 2sc, 1mosaicdc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 2sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1mosaicdc, 3sc* rep * to * 5 times, 1sc, ch1, turn. (53 sc, 24mosaicdc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Row 96 5sc, *ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 1sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 3sc, ch2, skip 1 stitch, 5sc* rep * to * 5 times, change to yarn A, ch1, turn. (77 sc, 24 ch-2 sp)

Twentieth row in chart (with yarn A) (same as chart row 4)

Row 97 rep row 9

Row 98 rep row 10

Twenty-first row in chart (with yarn B) (same as chart row 5)

Row 99 rep row 11

Row 100 rep row 12

Twenty-second row in chart (with yarn A) (same as chart row 6)

Row 101 rep row 13

Row 102 rep row 14

(Repeat chart row 3 to 6 9 times)

Row 103 to 174 rep row 7 to 14 9 times

Thirty-first row in chart (with yarn B)

Row 175 2sc, 1mosaicdc, *3sc, 1mosaicdc* rep * to * 23 times, 2sc, ch1, turn. (76sc, 25 mosaicdc)

Row 176 101sc, change to yarn A, ch1, turn.

Row 177 101sc, ch1, turn.

Row 178 101sc, ch1, turn.


Enter a caption


Fasten off yarn B at the end of row 176.

Do not change yarn at the end of row 178.

Work around entire blanket in rounds on frontside.When you reach the corner after 101 sc, turn blanket 90 degrees and crochet along longer side. Every row end counts as 1 stitch.

Round 1 101sc, ch2, (5sc, skip 1 stitch) 29 times, 4sc, ch2, 101sc, ch2, (5sc, skip 1 stitch) 29 times, 4sc, ch2, join round in first sc, ch1. (508 sc, 4 ch-2 sp)

Round 2 1sc in first sc, 100sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in ch-2sp, 154sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in ch-2 sp, 101sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in ch-2sp, 154sc, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in ch-2sp), join round in first sc, ch1, fasten off. (516 sc, 4 ch-2 sp)

Fasten off yarn A. Weave in all ends.

If you use my patterns and post pictures in social medias it would be nice to link or refer to my blog and use #martinupnorth . Feedback is more than welcome!

More to come soon from up north…






9 thoughts on “The “Two Steps Beyond” blanket – FREE PATTERN INSIDE

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  1. Hermosa, pero me gustaria mas si hubiera un video paso a paso, así no entiendo bien, porque las nomenclaturas son diferentes a las que conozco en mi país. Muchas gracias

    Liked by 1 person

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